We're getting ready to cruise into the Annual All Wheels Super Saturday Car Show on Labor Day weekend (September 3rd) so let's get to know the creators of this family fun event! The Border Queen Cruisers Car Club, began in 1987 when a small group decided to showcase their 4-wheeled pride and joy. Since then the Car Show has grown leaps and bounds featuring a hundred if not more cars, trucks, rat rods, and more, old or new anything with wheels can come through!
The Cruisers also encourage everyone to take a step back into time for the Draggin' Main Car Cruise event on the evening of Stroll the Streets on September 29th.
Besides their love for cars, the Border Queen Cruisers have showcased their love for the community over the years. They've donated to various projects for the school, City, Chamber, Caldwell Historical Society, and more. The biggest project they've taken on has been the Cemetery Kiosk located at the Caldwell City Cemetery which houses burial information for the 3 surrounding cemeteries; the Czech, Corzine, and Caldwell.
The Car Show is not their only source of fundraising each spring and fall the Cruisers sell Blue and Gold Sausage, bacon, and chicken which can be ordered with club members or at the Nostalgia Nook.
Anyone is welcome to join and become a member, you do not have to have an "antique" car they'll happily welcome you if you drive a minivan, the more the merrier! The Crusiers meet at the Nook every month on the third Monday at 7:30 PM.