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Make a Scene- Downtown Decorating

Leah Sommerhoff


Help us “MAKE A SCENE”!!  The Caldwell Chamber of Commerce is expanding its annual Main Street Scarecrow Contest this year to include any fall or Halloween “scene.”   The scenes can include anything from corn stalks, pumpkins, hay bales, scarecrows, leaves, etc…..the possibilities are endless! Following the same guidelines as the scarecrow contest, the “Scenes of the Season” promotion will be open to all businesses, clubs, organizations, families or individuals who would like to help us bring a decorative flair to downtown Main Street for the fall season.  The promotion will begin on Wednesday, Oct 9th with all entries being “checked in” at Heritage Park that evening from 6:30 – 7:00 p.m.  Designated light poles for displaying the “scenes” will be assigned at that time. (Businesses will reserve the right to display on poles located in front of their storefronts.)

The scenes will remain on display until Halloween so make sure they are durable and able to withstand any inclement weather.  ONLY twine, rope or zip ties can be used to attach items to the light poles. A weatherproof sign or tag stating the name of the sponsoring entity must be attached to the “scene.”   There is no fee to enter and prizes will be awarded to the top 3 scenes.  

Remember, this year’s contest isn’t limited to scarecrows only, but has been expanded to include any fall or Halloween décor.   Get your creative juices flowing and help us “MAKE A SCENE”!!!! For more information contact Lucinda Wood at Flowers Plus, 620-845-2660 or 845-4094 or Lu Ann Jamison at 620-845-6904 or 845-1168. 


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