I almost forgot this was the start of the new month, and that means it’s time to announce December’s Business of the Month!
We have our first repeat Business which makes our hearts warm because Lucinda and Flowers Plus is such a wonderful giving business to have on our Main Street.
Lucinda is active in the Chamber, especially the Retail Committee and is always the first to jump in and lend a helping hand with events, drives and more. Flowers Plus was nominated this month by a customer of hers that is always thankful for her above and beyond attitude, wonderful products, and help.
Flowers Plus is also a huge supporter of Caldwell’s Angel Tree, which has helped many kids over the years. If you haven’t been, please make sure you visit. Flowers Plus offers many handmade pieces of jewelry, wall art and more.
Flowers Plus is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 am-5 pm closed for lunch.
Congratulations Flowers Plus and everyone that helps make this a great Main Street destination!
If you have had a great experience at one of our Chamber Members Business locations please let us know by nominating them for Business of the Month. You may email your nomination to lsommerhoff@caldwellkansas.com or call at 620-845-4225.